The Journal of Digital Assets

  • Volume 1
  • August 2023
  • Issue 2
  • CBDCs: Pros and Cons A comprehensive list and discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of central bank digital currency
  • Patrick Schueffel
  • First Published: 08 August 2023
  • Abstract | Full Text(7,483) | PDF download(873)


Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) have the potential to fundamentally alter the current monetary system. Potentially they could bring about a whole range of advantages compared to the status quo, yet they could also introduce a host of disadvantages. This text provides a comprehensive list of the pros and cons of CBDC along with a description of every single positive or negative outcome. Finally, it weighs the benefits and drawbacks of this new form of legal tender against each other.

Keywords: CBDC, central bank digital currency, central bank, monetary policy, legal tender, currency
